lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Student to protest over funding cuts and employment prospects

Demonstrators gather outside Milbannk

This news is about a student’s manifestation with the slogan: educate, employ, and empower, especially It is about a protest in London. This protest arises later of series manifestation produced two years ago.
In this manifestation, thousands students protested for the loss of educational maintenance allowance, the increasing tuition fees and the problems for find a good job later of graduate.
This news is much related with our national context. In Chile, since years, the students had protested against of system educational. In fact, the last year, thousands university and secondary students were mobilized a large part of the years. Also, the English demands are very similar to Chilean demands, both it want improve the educational conditions of the student.
Other thing in common is the repression exert for the police. The English and Chilean student had received a series of violent acts for part the police.
The psychologists, especially educational psychologist, can help or work in this topic means his work in the educational intuitions, means his work with student organizations, with his investigations, etc. In this sense, the physiologist debit to take an active role in the conflict.
This topic is important, because the quality in educations is a matter that involve to all society, for this the protests in this area are very essential and necessary.
I hope that someday this problem finds solutions and in Chile we had a good education. 

2 comentarios:

  1. wow, It seems that this situation is going worldwide ,good!

  2. I'm not surprised - Nicole -> Education -> Protest - A simple equation ajajaja. Anyway, is interesting that in England happen a problem similar to Chile
